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Hey there, we're Jonny & Kelly!

So here's the deal: a while back, I (that's Jonny) was hit with a truckload of food intolerances—cheese, eggs, bread, and well, you get the drift. It turned my eating habits and pretty much my entire life upside down. But then, along came Kelly, not just as my partner in crime, but as the superhero who's been navigating this wild ride with me. Together, we’ve embarked on a mission to live life to the fullest, one “f*ck yeah” moment at a time.

Why We Do What We Do

This journey isn't just about dodging food landmines; it's about discovering what makes life genuinely sparkle. Kelly, with her unwavering support (and patience for my post-indulgence belly aches), has been instrumental in shaping our philosophy of "Worth It Moments." It’s our way of ensuring that we only dive into those indulgences that make us say “f*ck yeah”—because if we're going to have a tummy ache, it better be for something absolutely epic.


More Than Just a Food Blog

Here at WORTH it MOMENTS, it’s not all about what’s on the plate. It's about savoring the moments that truly matter—whether that's a mind-blowing meal, a breathtaking adventure, or just spending quality time making each other laugh until it hurts. Kelly's knack for finding joy in the details and my penchant for diving headfirst into the experiences that might make my stomach flip (figuratively and literally) make us the perfect duo to take on this adventure.

What You’ll Find Here

Expect tales of our triumphs and trials as we navigate life, food, and everything in between. From the highs of discovering new "safe" foods that don't wage war on my insides to the lows of the occasional “wasn’t worth it” tummy turmoil (Kelly’s got stories), we’re here to share it all. Plus, we’ve got tips for those navigating similar food intolerance battles and thoughts on making every day worth the indulgence.


Kelly's the yin to my yang, the peanut butter to my jelly (if I could eat peanut butter, that is), and the one who makes every worth it moment that much more special. Together, we’re here to show you that life’s too short for mediocre moments and too beautiful not to share.


So, whether you're here for the foodie tales, the life adventures, or just to see what we’re up to next, we’re glad you’re here. Let’s make every moment, every bite, and every adventure absolutely f*cking worth it.

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