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  • Writer's pictureJonny Wall

Jonny’s Birthday BLOWOUT: Cats, Cravings, and Churchill Cups in London

Java Whiskers Cat Cafe: Start Meow-t Right

Kicking off the festivities, we found ourselves in Java Whiskers Cat Cafe, nestled in the heart of Marylebone. It's exactly what it sounds like—a paradise for caffeine and cat lovers alike. We cooled down with some ice-cold drinks because it was hot as anything to keep our purring pals comfortable. We snacked on an array of cakes that were suspiciously delicious and, thankfully, didn’t set off my notorious food alarms. The cats? Imagine the most regal beings you've ever seen, giving us the cold shoulder while secretly loving the attention. Definitely a spot to check out if your idea of fun involves being blatantly ignored by very sophisticated furballs.

Seven Dials Market: Feast or Famine

With our cat cravings satisfied, we sauntered over to Seven Dials Market, a massive food court with some of the trendiest street food youll find in London. We flirted with the idea of hitting up the Cheese Bar, where cheese gets the sushi conveyor belt treatment. I could practically hear my stomach plotting its revenge, so we opted for safer territory. Our dinner lineup? A culinary U.N. meeting—Italian pizza, Japanese gyoza, and Korean fried chicken, all capped off with some classic fried chicken strips. Each bite was better than the last, but my insides were soon staging a coup. Was it worth the gastronomic rebellion? Absolutely. Plus, I'm plotting a tactical return to that cheese conveyor belt—next time armed with lactase pills and a devil-may-care attitude.

Cahoots: Cocktails and Churchill

Despite my burgeoning food baby and my dairy sweats, the night was young, so we rolled into Cahoots, just off Carnaby street, a bar that's as much a feast for the eyes as it is for the spirit. Set up like a 1940s underground station, this place oozes cool, from the vintage tube-car seating to the wartime propaganda posters. The menu? Crafted like old newspapers and just as informative. For sobrieties sake we stuck to alcohol-free cocktails. Kelly even got her drink in a ceramic Winston Churchill mug—nothing quite says “cheers” like sipping from the scooped out head of a former Prime Minister. The drinks were inventive, the mood was electric, and even though I was nursing a digestive insurrection, the vibe was too good to leave.

Wrap-Up: Worth Every Wince

Limping back home, with each step reminding me of the day’s indulgences, I couldn’t help but grin. Sure, I was a walking cautionary tale about the dangers of overindulgence, but what’s a birthday without a little over-the-top celebration? Tonight was a collection of "Worth It Moments"—from aristocratic cats and a global food tour, to historical drinks in a blitz-era bar.

So here’s to living it up on birthdays and every day in between. Because if you’re not pushing the envelope, you’re just licking it. Here's to another year of chasing joy, food, and the kind of stories that make life deliciously memorable.

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