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  • Writer's pictureJonny Wall

Why You Won’t Find Any Booze Here

Updated: Apr 27

Hey there! We’ve got a bit of insight to share about something you might notice on our blog—there's a pretty conspicuous absence of anything alcohol-related. Here’s the lowdown on why booze doesn’t make the cut in our worth it moments.

A Tale of Two Perspectives

For me (Jonny), the journey away from alcohol was born out of necessity. After a decade working in the nightlife scene, where drinks flowed as freely as water, I reached a turning point. Three years ago, I chose sobriety, stepping away from alcohol (and all that came with it) to rediscover joy, excitement, and fulfillment in life without the buzz. This path wasn’t just a change; it was a complete transformation, opening up a new world of "worth it" experiences that didn't need any help from a glass or bottle.

Kelly, on the other hand, has always had a more laid-back relationship with alcohol. She’s the kind of person who can enjoy a drink but just as easily leave it. Over time, she found that alcohol just wasn’t something she was particularly into. It wasn't a conscious journey towards sobriety but a simple preference, one that aligns perfectly with our shared lifestyle and values. Her support and understanding have been incredible, making it that much easier for us to navigate life's celebrations and challenges without alcohol.

Our No-Booze Philosophy

You won’t find alcohol featured here for a few reasons. For one, my sobriety is a crucial part of who I am today. It’s been a journey of self-discovery, of finding and holding onto those genuine, dopamine-fueled moments of happiness that come from great food, amazing adventures, and, most importantly, our relationship.

On the flip side, Kelly’s ambivalence towards alcohol means we’re both on the same page about not needing it to have a good time. We’ve found joy in creating moments that don’t hinge on what's in our glasses but on the experience itself. Whether we’re exploring new cuisines, traveling, or simply enjoying a quiet evening in, our best times are about the connection and the memories we’re making.

The Silver Lining

Ditching the booze has had its perks, notably making what would otherwise be expensive indulgences surprisingly affordable. It's amazing how much more room there is in the budget for those truly "worth it" experiences when alcohol isn't part of the equation.

Cheers to Us

So, that’s why our blog is a booze-free zone. It's not just about my path to sobriety or Kelly’s lack of interest in alcohol; it's about embracing a lifestyle that prioritizes genuine, fulfilling moments over societal norms. It’s about choosing what makes us truly happy and sharing those discoveries with you.

Thanks for joining us on this journey. Here’s to finding joy in the authentic, the sober, and the utterly unforgettable moments that life has to offer. Let's make every moment, every bite, and every adventure f*cking worth it, together.

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